Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Flying IFR into new environments can be a serious challenge, particularly in busy airspace where controllers are talking nonstop, and it’s more important than ever to listen up and follow their instructions precisely. For flight in congested areas, pre-published, low-level IFR routes make both pre-flight planning and the actual flying much more straightforward and enjoyable.

How to Fly with Flight Following

Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Flying in controlled airspace offers many benefit to VFR pilots. As we know that mid-air collision sit at the top 3 reason of the aviation accident, then thinking about traffic awareness must be considered as an important aspect when flying.

Airspace Made Easy

Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Controlled Airspace is a generic term that covers the different classifications of airspace (Class A, B, C, D and E airspace) and defined dimensions within air traffic control service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights in accordance with the airspace classification.

Deadful Aeromedical Factor

Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Hypoxia means “reduced oxygen” or “not enough oxygen”. Although any tissue will die if deprived of oxygen long enough, usually the most concern is with getting enough oxygen to the brain, since it is particularly vulnerable to oxygen deprivation. Any reduction in mental function while flying can result in life-threatening errors. Hypoxia can be caused by several factors, including an insufficient supply of oxygen, inadequate transportation of oxygen, or the inability of the body tissues to use oxygen. The forms of hypoxia are based on their causes: hypoxic hypoxia, hypemic hypoxia, stagnant hypoxia, and histotoxic hypoxia.