Flight Training Tips for Student Pilots

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | July 26, 2019

Whether you are a first timer or have been a student pilot for a while now, we believe that you can never have too much help. Maybe you are accustomed to a lot of these tips, but there may be some tips for your flight training that could be helpful in the long run. Keep your eyes open and read along!

Which Aviation School is the one for me?

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | July 24, 2019

Which aviation school is the one for me? This may be a common question to ask, but should - or must- also be followed by the questions “Do I have a lot of time in my hand?” Or the typical “can I even afford going through aviation school?”. With 14DAYPILOT Flight Academy, you can earn your pilot license under a short amount of time and with a fairly affordable price. How is that, you may ask? well, read along, and you’ll find your answers.

Is Airline Pilot Integrated Training hard?

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | July 24, 2019

Technically, it all depends on perspective, but if you don’t have all the informations, then how is it a fair judgement? To those who do not know a single thing about the aviation world, airline pilot training may be difficult, but to those who’s had experiences with flight simulators or even have done Joyflight with us, a topic for another day, then Airline Pilot Integrated Training may be fairly familiar.


Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | July 24, 2019

“I’ve always wanted to fly an airplane. Whenever I go on a trip on an aircraft I’ve always wondered what it feels like to be the one in the cockpit, as a pilot.” Sound familiar? It is actually very common for children to have dreams of wanting to become an airline pilot, in fact, that is where it all began. The seed planted into children on wanting to become an airline pilot grows overtime and blooms into a great, big tree once they’re old enough to make their own choices.