What jobs can I get with my Commercial Pilot License?

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 22, 2019

“What jobs can I get with my Commercial Pilot License? Do I have to work in an airline company? What options do I have?”, these are the questions that floats in every aspiring pilot’s mind. The feeling of uncertainty and confusion is there as you pursue your journey towards becoming a pilot, but don’t worry, we’ve got the answers right here.

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Vs. Visual Flight Rules (VFR)

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 19, 2019

What is the difference between Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Visual Flight Rules (VFR)? Which is better than the other? What are the benefits of each? Let’s begin with a definition of each before we differentiate each of them.

Private Pilot License Ground School

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 19, 2019

Does an accelerated private pilot license program includes only flight trainings? What do you actually learn in the ground school? Have you heard of a course called the Pass Oral Exam System? Well, read along to find out more!

Accelerated Instrument Rating program done in 10 days!

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 14, 2019

On your accelerated journey to become the best Commercial Pilot License - Instrument Rating pilot that has ever existed, you must first begin with nothing. This means that you must first begin your Private Pilot License flight training and graduate with a Private Pilot License before moving on to the next level, which is the Instrument Rating program.