Hazards of thunderstorms

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | February 28, 2019

Thunderstorms undoubtedly poses as one of the most dangerous hazard towards aircrafts, but what factors plays a part in these scenarios? Unsurprisingly, there’s a large number of factors that could cause minor or even severe damage to aircrafts. This would be due to the fact that thunderstorms are difficult to be foreseen by weather radars and often, it is too late for pilots to escape cumulonimbus clouds.


Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Loss of control in flight continues to be the leading cause of fatal general aviation accidents in the United States and commercial aviation worldwide. With the release of the Private Pilot – Airplane ACS in June 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revised the slow flight evaluation standard to reflect maneuvering without a stall warning (e.g., aircraft buffet, stall horn, etc.). The FAA explained this change in SAFO 16010 as one approach to addressing loss of control in flight accidents in general aviation.

The “Inner Engine” For Your Safety Flight

Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

It’s not how advanced your flight instrument is, size of your airplane, jet or propeller, but the “inner engine” if the very important tools to determine aviation safety. In the past decades, we know that 98% accidents were caused by the human error. There is very complex variable on the human factor which could lead a beautiful and fun flight to a disaster. I have learnt great stuffs that could shape us to be a safe pilot. I call this “Inner Engine”.


Checkride Preparation | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | August 02, 2018

Flying IFR into new environments can be a serious challenge, particularly in busy airspace where controllers are talking nonstop, and it’s more important than ever to listen up and follow their instructions precisely. For flight in congested areas, pre-published, low-level IFR routes make both pre-flight planning and the actual flying much more straightforward and enjoyable.