The Incredible Story of How Jiva Ananthan Became A Private Pilot in Just 14 Days

Let's Fly | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | May 23, 2019

Jiva Ananthan Viseikumaran is a Singaporean Army Captain who became a student of 14DAYPILOT Flight Academy taking the Airline Pilot Integrated Training program available. His story began with a series of intensive trainings done in the country of Indonesia for his preparation class. Afterwards, he flew to Los Angeles to undergo his flight training in Van Nuys Airport, California and did his Private Pilot examination in Oxnard, California.

Part 141 vs Part 61 Pilot School, Which is Better ?

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | May 20, 2019

Have you spent hours on end searching for pilot schools to find that there are different types to it? Are you familiar enough with the term Part 141 and Part 61 pilot schools? Part 141 and Part 61 de-scribes the way in which a pilot school is approved, or certified, by the Federal Aviation Administra-tion (FAA). Therefore, we have come to the question of what are the differences between Part 141 and Part 61 pilot schools? Don’t worry, we’ll cover all of those for you here.

Private Pilot License, is it costly?

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | May 11, 2019

Tired of flight academies that break the bank, AND THEN come up with hidden costs? Have you been surfing the web for countless hours just to satisfy your curiosity for which flight academy is the most worth it for its Private Pilot License program? Here in 14DAYPILOT Flight Academy, we are committed to being transparent with all prospective and current candidates on what they are actually paying for and trust us, it is definitely worth it.

What impact has fog clouds had on the aviation world

Pilot Knowledge | Dr. GEMA GOEYARDI,ATP | April 10, 2019

Has any immediate actions been taken to reduce such impacts? It is clear that fog clouds have caused plenty of damage on land and over the ocean, but what about in the air? Fog forms when there is a difference between air temperature and dew point of less than 2.5, taking the form of low lying stratus clouds. The moisture inside fog clouds comes from evaporation of nearby bodies of water, water from ground and transpiration of plants. Fog clouds impairs vision of all those that encounter it and what’s to say aircrafts aren’t affected even during flight?