The centre of gravity (CG) of your aircraft can be seen when you manipulate the location of the centre of gravity forward or aft. However, how does the differences between forward centre of gravity and aft CG affect you during flight? Well read along, you’ll find the answers here.
Cases of aircraft crashing into one another have been heard of before, but did you know that a number of those cases were caused by navigation issues? Navigational issues include the failure of pilots to read the GPS and compass deviations due to electronics used on an aircraft below 10 000 ft. Why did these things occur? What other issues were there that caused navigation related accidents? Don't worry, we'll answer the questions right here.
Considering the fact that most people are fairly knowledgeable on the topic of prohibited airspace and/or controlled airspaces, we would expect that the number of airspace violations to be just a handful. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. From the years 1992 to 1993 there was a significant increase in the number of controlled airspace violations, and even though the numbers have decrease ever since, there are still at least one aircraft violating a controlled airspace.
Holding patterns is the pattern, or manoeuvres, that an aircraft takes before landing. However, the question still remains, why are holding patterns important? Why can’t the plane just land? Why do they have to enter holding patterns? Often times, you can see aircrafts circling radio beacons, this is because they are not able to land yet and are currently in holding, usually in an oval pattern.